Dietsmann is pleased to announce having been awarded with a 5-year Construction General Services Framework Contractby the ITER Organization, reinforcing the existing collaboration under a previous service contract since 2018.

ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is an international research and engineering megaproject, involving construction of the world’s largest Tokamak nuclear fusion reactor. This extremely complex project, located near the Cadarache nuclear R&Dcenter in France, mobilizes the industrial, scientific, human and financial resources of 35 nations.

For Dietsmann, the contract is an acknowledgement of its efficiency and responsiveness in operating in complex environments, thanks to agile teams capable ofadapting to this particular project’s specific requirements. “The efforts made Dietsmann are one of the elements allowing us to consider our partnership with confidence,“ said Yves Belpomoon behalf of the ITER Organization, in aletter of recommendation addressed to Bertrand Salles, Project Manager of Dietsmann Technologies SA, based in Salies-du-Salat, France.

Dietsmann will continue its strong commitment to the project’s Environmental, Social and Governance policy (ESG), which has been consistently demonstrated by itsoperational and managerial teams on the ITER construction site.