During the Sustainability Week, the HSE Genius initiative was launched by the Angolan subsidiary.
This year it started with the sustainability week donations by choosing and developing kids oriented workshops.
This project was initiated and organized by Maria Nketia, the HSEQ Manager, supported by the Country Manager, Manuel Pereira and by a highly motivated team of 10 employees from various departments who guided the children to complete their activities.
This year, 2 orphanages were chosen and, 2 workshops were organized covering, Sustainability themes :
Teens Workshop
– Orphanage – Lar Mamã Madalena
– Topic/Workshop – Waste Segregation
– Age : 13 – 16 years
Pre-teens Workshop
– Orphanage – El Bethel
– Topic/Workshop – Tree planting
– Age : 6 -12 years
Both workshops were an opportunity to raise awareness and educate the children about the importance of preserving and respecting our environment.
It was also the opportunity to donate food items to these orphanages.
In the same way that he helped us for these activities, this HSE Genius could become a “mascot” which will be able to help us to sensitize the children on the themes related to Health, Safety , Environment during events organized throughout the year in all the countries.