HSEQ Charter
Dietsmann has also established a Health, Safety, Environment & Quality (HSEQ) Charter, which governs the HSEQ policies and rules and serves as a reference to our HSEQ commitments.
In all its activities, Dietsmann’s HSEQ objectives are clear:
- Ensure the safety of our employees and contractors
- Protect the environment
- Client satisfaction
Dietsmann is committed to:
- Ensuring that health, safety, security, social, environment and quality requirements come before all economic considerations
- Adopting a proactive approach to guaranteeing a safe, healthy working environment and the best service quality
- Identifying the risks stemming from its activities and reducing them as far as is reasonably possible
- Ensuring that every one of its employees understands and adheres to the corporate culture through dedicated health, safety, environment and quality training
- Promoting its employees’ initiatives related to improving safety at work
- Promoting sustainability, well-being at work and social initiatives
- Reducing negative impacts on the environment by using energy efficiently
- Minimizing and eliminating emissions of substances that are hazardous for people and the environment
- Openly communicating, both internally and externally, the results and monitoring of health, safety, security, sustainability, environment and quality objectives
- Verifying compliance with internal and external requirements through audits and striving for compliance with international standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 26000
- Ensuring that its labor and human rights policies are implemented and respected
- Requiring that all its employees at every level in the hierarchy accept responsibility for their own behavior in respect of the application of this Health, Safety, Environment & Quality Charter at their workplace